Welcome to Financial Planning Wales.
Are you at the stage in your life where you are looking to take control of your finances and the wealth you have worked hard to accumulate?
Are you established in your chosen career and want to adopt a co‑ordinated strategy to help create wealth?
Do you want to work with skilled professionals committed to building successful long-term partnerships to achieve your financial objectives and aspirations?
Financial Planning Wales has a long history of helping people do just that, because we see you as partners – not just clients.
This is what you can expect:
- Investing your trust with us means we will invest our time and skills in your future.
- We will offer you an insight into our planning and investment process.
- Enhance your understanding of our complex financial world and the effect it can have on your wealth.
- Help you make smart decisions to avoid the investment pitfalls that can cost you money.
Important Information:
- We provide financial advice to UK Individuals and Companies only and do not operate in any other jurisdictions.
- We do not hold client money; if you are asked to send money (other than settling an invoice) to an account in the name of Financial Planning Wales please ignore that request and report it to us immediately.
- In light of the increased risk posed by Cyber Fraud and especially those relating to Bank Account details, please take extra care and always be vigilant.
- Please also exercise cautions when opening any emails, attachments or links and when responding to any requests for your Bank Details or notices of changes to Bank Details of others.
- If you have any doubts at all as to the validity of communications from ourselves please contact either Alan, Andrew or Jon directly be telephone
In most circumstances the providers that we recommend are unlikely to contact you directly; if you do receive a call from anyone indicating that they work for a provider please -
- Do not provide any personal information to them.
- If possible obtain a name and contact number from the individual.
- Inform the individual that your adviser will be in touch with them directly and then end the call.
- Contact Financial Planning Wales who can confirm if this is genuine.
Foreign Scam Alert
We provide financial advice to UK Individuals and Companies only and do not operate in any other jurisdictions. If you have been approached it is likely you are the target of a scam.
Italiano - Forniamo consulenza finanziaria solo a persone fisiche e società del Regno Unito e non operiamo in altre giurisdizioni. Se sei stato avvicinato è probabile che tu sia il bersaglio di una truffa.
Español - Brindamos asesoramiento financiero a personas y empresas del Reino Unido únicamente y no operamos en otras jurisdicciones. Si se le ha acercado, es probable que sea el objetivo de una estafa.